The War Within

The War Within

Poem by Thal Mohammed

The body is your liberator and your jailer.
Love the vehicle but do not become attached.
Pay attention, be present and let in the pain.
Body and mind, you have been torn asunder. 
You retracted from your limbs and your heart. 
No pain but also no joy. You are your jailer. 
You deliberate and deliberate against your body. 
Illusions of fear veils and masks the light within
your veins, your bones and so open and let in the pain. 
Truth and opinion coalesce inside your head. 
Somewhere inside your voice becomes a whisper. 
Soul friend, who is it that has become your jailer?
Know the darkness of your soul, and do not drown
in falsehood mixed with truth! Huddle your body, and
do not shy away. Tears liberate when you let in the pain.
All is sacred. Blake says, “see a world in a grain of sand. 
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.”
Surf the waves of your desires, no more your jailer. 
The water of love and courage awaits, just let in the pain.